I recognise that simply having ideas is a job that some people just do not get. And that includes clients. Not the best record for someone in communications, you may think…

The truth is that having ideas for business, charity or campaign groups for a living comes under the ‘it’s complicated’ category of relationships. It is whatever you want to make it. And by ‘you’ I mean the (potential) client.

To avoid a TL;dr situation, I shall break down the most basic way in which I work with a business. This is often the introductory piece of work. It may be the only piece of work, or it may lead to an ongoing relationship that involves anything from copywriting to re-branding, tone-of-voice to user experience, essays, features, publicity or blogs.

It goes like this. You hire me for two days.

Day one is me finding out everything I can about you, your company/campaign, your ethos, your needs, your lacks, your strengths, your appeal.

Day two is me, sat with a notepad , having ideas. Now, these could be ideas for how to improve copy, how to get publicity for next-to-nothing, how to make a team work more efficiently, how to re-brand or how to get your product or campaign noticed more. You can have it as a brain dump or something tied up with a bow. You can have the unexpurgated, dirty version, or a clean one, with the expletives and dangerous ideas excised.

Obviously, the whole thing is a moveable feast. You can add days to the research of the ideas part. But those are the basics. Get in touch to find out how this could work for you, your business or your campaign.

I can provide you with a long list of those who have done just that and not regretted it. Email me…


